Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Winnipeg Amateur Radio Emergency Service

... Providing voluntary communications in times of need

Transmission Line
About Winnipeg ARES
Upcoming Events
Manitoba Weather
Contact Us


This page provides viewable and downloadable/printable resources for the ARES and Amateur comunity in various formats:

  1. text documenta text document which can be viewed, edited and printed using Microsoft Office, OpenOffice or LibreOffice. Various vewers are also available.
  2. open documenta text document which can be edited and printed using a multitude of open source and proprietary document editors including Microsoft Office, OpenOffice or LibreOffice. Various vewers are also available.
  3. presentationa presentation which can be viewed, edited and printed using Microsoft Office, OpenOffice or LibreOffice. Various vewers are also available.
  4. portable documenta portable document which can be viewed and printed using various viewers.
  5. web pagea link to a web page which can be viewed using your browser.


  1. portable documentCall-outs and Equipment
  2. portable documentWinnipeg ARES Mobile Radio Kits Contents
  3. portable documentWinnipeg ARES Application Form
  4. portable documentHF Operational Frequencies (Manitoba ARES)
  5. portable documentRecommended Minimum Equipment List for Field Operations (Manitoba ARES)
  6. web pageRBR-4 - Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service (Industry Canada)


  1. portable documentReportable Summer Weather
  2. portable documentReportable Winter Weather
  3. portable documentNOAA Spotter Reference Guide
  4. portable documentNOAA Basic Spotters' Field Guide
  5. portable documentNOAA Advanced Spotters' Field Guide

Sections of the Winnipeg ARES Emergency Plan

  1. portable documentAppendix 9.3 & 9.4 Minimum Equipment List
  2. portable documentAppendix 9.7a Activity Log
  3. portable documentAppendix 9.8a Tactical Message Form

Manitoba Marathon

  1. portable documentSummoning Emergency Medical Assistance Wallet Card
  2. portable document2024 Manitoba Marathon report
  3. portable document2023 Manitoba Marathon Report

If there is a resource in which you are in dire need, please contact me (the web maintainer) and I will endeavour to deliver it to you.