The Winnipeg Amateur Radio Emergency Service (WARES) is a volunteer organization comprised of dedicated amateur radio operators (also known as "Hams") with an interest in emergency communications... more
Our next General Meeting on Tuesday 18 February 2025 at 19:00h at Sir William Stephenson Library 765 Keewatin Street, Winnipeg.
Our guest speaker is Richard - VE4KAZ who will be discussing the upcoming public service event "Klondike Derby".
The meeting will be a hybrid meeting (in-person & virtual) and the meeting URL will be sent to
WARES members in advance.
President - Kurt Sargent VE4GIS
Treasurer - Garth Blumm VE4GWB
Secretary - Steve VE4FTS
Emergency Coordinator - Jeff Dovyak VE4MBQ
Please visit the Contact Us page if you'd like to speak to one of our Executive members.