The U-Turn Parkinson's Walk Fundraiser event
takes place Saturday MAY 31, 2025 on the grounds of Canadian Mennonite University, Winnipeg, 1000-1200h
and Winnipeg ARES will be providing communications support for their event.
If you need more details, have questions, or to register as ARES volunteer at the event, please
contact Dick VE4HK.
The 2025 Manitoba Marathon will be Sunday 15 JUNE 2025.
We currently need at least eighty-five (85) volunteers.
There has been a significant change to the Marathon route:
Race route will be the same to Misericordia Hospital where it will turn south, go
over the bridge and turn onto Wellington Cr to Assiniboine Park and then back
on previous course more or less.
No route thru Wolseley area, Portage Avenue or over the footbridge.
There may be one or two Mile Stations that have runners going by twice
(once towards Assiniboine Park and then back towards Princess
Auto Field).
It was explained to us that the course has changed because:
1. WPS doesn’t have the officers available for traffic duty that it previously had
2. City of Wpg will be repairing the footbridge sometimes this summer.
We need a completed new registration form from each Amateur Radio volunteer every year regardless of what Amateur organization they belong to.
New Amateur operators will be paired up with Amateurs experienced with the event.
Amateur Radio volunteers must agree to abide by the Manitoba Marathon Code of
Conduct for volunteers.
Thanks to Dave VE4DJS for keeping track of the volunteer registrations again.
The 2025 Amateur Radio Group Volunteer Briefing is Monday 09 June 2025 19:00h at the Crescentwood Community Club 1170 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg (See Map 24 D2 in the Sherlock Map Book).
Although the briefing starts at 1900h we will begin distribution of race information,
documentation, volunteer t-shirts and pre-arranged equipment loans at 18:15h.
If you register as an Amateur Radio volunteer and cannot attend the 09 JUNE briefing please let
me know in advance who will be attending to pick up your briefing materials and
volunteer t-shirt.
There will be an additional Medical Team briefing on another date for
those assigning to the medical side.
We need all borrowed equipment returned as soon as possible. On Race Day loaner
traffic vests & HTs should be turned over to the Course Closing Vehicle as it passes by
(it is manned by Amateurs).
Jeff - VE4MBQ
The on-line volunteer registration form for amateur radio volunteers is now open. Please complete your Amateur Radio Volunteer registration for the 2025 Manitoba Marathon here.