The Winnipeg Amateur Radio Emergency Service (WARES) is a volunteer organization comprised of dedicated amateur radio operators (also known as "Hams") with an interest in emergency communications... more
Our next General Meeting will be on Tuesday 18 March 2025 at 19:00h at Sir William Stephenson Library 765 Keewatin Street, Winnipeg.
The meeting will be a hybrid business meeting (in-person & virtual) and the meeting URL will be sent to
WARES members in advance.
President - Kurt Sargent VE4GIS
Treasurer - Garth Blumm VE4GWB
Secretary - Steve VE4FTS
Emergency Coordinator - Jeff Dovyak VE4MBQ
Please visit the Contact Us page if you would like to speak to one of our Executive members.
Virtual CANWARN Spotter Training will take place Saturday March 29, 2025 from 13:00-16:30h.
The CANWARN program is open to any certified Amateur Radio operator in Canada, ARES membership is
not required, this session is organized though under the auspices of Manitoba ARES and will focus on
reporting to the Severe Weather meteorologist at the Prairie & Arctic Storm Prediction Centre - Environment and Climate Change Canada.
CANWARN = Canadian Weather Amateur Radio Network.
If interested in participating, please register with Jeff VE4MBQ and he will send you the Microsoft Teams meeting invitation.
The U-Turn Parkinson's Walk event takes place Sat May 31 2025 10:00-12:00h on the grounds of Canadian Mennonite University. We are still looking for ARES amateur radio operators to assist with communications at the event. See the EVENTS page for further details.
The 2025 Manitoba Marathon is taking place Sunday 15 June 2025.
We still need lots of amateur radio volunteers.
There has been a significant change to the Marathon route:
Race route will be the same to Misericordia Hospital where it will turn south, go
over the bridge and turn onto Wellington Cr to Assiniboine Park and then back
on previous course more or less.
No route thru Wolseley area, Portage Avenue
or over the footbridge. There may be one or two Mile Stations that have runners
going by twice (once towards Assiniboine Park and then back towards Princess
Auto Field).
It was explained to us that the course has changed because:
1. WPS does not have extra officers available for traffic duty that it previously had
2. City of Wpg will be repairing the footbridge sometimes this summer.
Further event details and the link for amateur radio operators to register to participate can be found via the
EVENTS page.